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04-27【李 思】管楼1418 吴文俊数学重点实验室数学物理系列报告之2023-06

题目:An elliptic chiral analogue of Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg Theorem

报告人:李 思,清华大学 



摘要:Classical Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg (HKR) Theorem says the Hochschild homology of a polynomial algebra (or smooth algebra) is isomorphic to its differential forms. We first show how such a HKR map (both for classical and for quantized algebra)  can be explicitly constructed via integrals on configuration space of the circle. The physics underlying such isomorphism is the homotopic renormalization group flow, which has a universal nature. As a result,  we explain a chiral analogue of HKR Theorem for chiral algebras (in the sense of Beilinson-Drinfeld) of beta-gamma-b-c system via regularized integrals on configuration space of the elliptic curve. This talk is based on results from joint work with Zhengping Gui.

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