8:30-9:15 张伟平
Positive scalar curvature and the Euler class
9:15-10:00 朱小华
Steady Ricci solitons with positive curvature
10:00-10:20 休息
10:20-11:05 刘小博
Connecting Hodge integrals to Gromov-Witten invariants by Virasoro operators
11:05-11:50 张希
Some results on the differential geometry of holomorphic vector bundles
1:30-2:15 唐梓洲 Isoparametric theory
( Isoparametric theory in spheres, Yau's first eigenvalue problem,
an application to Besse problem, isoparametric theory in Riemannian manifolds
2:15-3:00 麻希南
Mean curvature flow with Neumann boundary value problem
3:00-3:20 休息
3:20-4:05 范辉军
Fukaya category of Landau-Ginzburg model
4:05-4:50 熊金钢
On the isoperimetric quotient over scalar-flat conformal classes
9:00-9:45 王国芳
Lagrangian Willmore surfaces
9:45-10:30 张振雷
Kahler-Ricci flow on minimal elliptic surfaces
10:30-10:50 休息
10:50-11:35 田刚
Analytic Minimal Model Program